Note the Module name and Export name of the Payment service as we will need this information later when connecting from Open to Classic. 请注意Payment服务的模块名称和导出名称,稍后当从Open连接到Classic时我们将需要该信息。
Article 76 Particulars such as the place of payment and the place of issue specified on a promissory note shall be legible and unambiguous. 第七十六条本票上记载付款地、出票地等事项的,应当清楚、明确。
In the payment of such a note, gold would appear to be more invariable in its value than silver. 就这张期票的支付来说,与银价比较,金价又似乎不易于变动。
Payer is the person whose name is on the instrument, and should bear the obligation of payment, payer of the draft, remitter of note and bank for payment of the check are the payer. 付款人是票据上载明的、承担付款责任的人,汇票上的付款人、本票的出票人和支票的付款银行为票据付款人。
Presentment for payment is necessary in order to render the indorser of a note liable. 为使本票之背书人负责,执票人必须作付款提示。
One that legally possesses and is entitled to the payment of a check, bill, or promissory note. 合法拥有且能兑换支票、帐单或本票的人。
Analysis of the Risk of the Payment of Note that is Fabricated and Faked 论因伪造和变造票据而错误付款的风险负担